Tue. Mar 18th, 2025
Raiven Veronika Eurovision Slovenia 2024Raiven "Veronika" Eurovision Slovenia 2024

Raiven was internally choosen to represent Slovenia at Eurovision 2024. Her Eurovision song “Veronika” has just been released along with a music video

For the second consecutive year, Slovenian beoadcaster RTVSLO ditched their original plan for a national selection and chose their Eurovision artist and song internally. Although there wasn’t a competition, they did showcase Raiven’s song in a special show, featuring the debut of “Veronika” along with its music video:

Eurovision 2024 Slovenia: Raiven – “Veronika”

“Veronika” is written by Raiven herself and Bojan Cvjetićanin, the vocalist of last year’s Slovenian band “Joker Out”.

We often talked about doing something together, and our musical collaboration on “Veronika” came about very spontaneously,

Raiven has explained.

About song “Veronika” 

The song is inspired by Veronika Deseniška, a mysterious figure in Slovenian history. She is associated with a tragic love story that ended in her being murdered by her father-in-law’s request, given his opposition to her marriage with his son:

 I am convinced that both the story and the music are strong and expressive enough that their essence and emotional depth will be perceived and understood even by non-Slovenian speakers. When creating it, I focused primarily on the dramatic quality, which is key to telling Veronika’s story effectively. I wanted her story to not only be expressed but also resonate with the year 2024,

she said.

Lyrics “Veronika” Raiven


Skrila sem se v reko in odšla v tiho noč
Z glasnimi koraki nemi klici na pomoč
Zdaj, ko sem le voda, v valovih iščem mir
Utopim se v sebi, se svetlobi prepustim

Najdi me, rani me, brani me
Ko me loviš, ko me zapustiš
Dvigni me, pusti me, ljubi me
Kdo te lovi, ko se me bojiš?

Koga se bojiš, ko svoje želje zatajiš?
Gledaš me v oči, podoba tebe v njih žari
Ogledalo sem brez robov
Le odsev tvojih sem strahov

Najdi me, rani me, brani me
Ko me loviš, ko me zapustiš
Dvigni me, pusti me, ljubi me
Kdo te lovi, ko se me bojiš?

Jaz sem
Ti si
Tvojo resnico le ona ve

Jaz sem
Ti si
Tvojo resnico le ona ve

Jaz sem
Ti si
Tvojo reѕnico le onа ve


I hid in the river and went out into the silent night
With loud footsteps silent cries for help
Now that I am but water, I seek peace in the waves
I drown in myself, I give myself to the light

Find me, wound me, defend me
When you chase me, when you leave me
Lift me up, let me go, love me
Who chases you when you fear me?

Who are you afraid of when you deny your desires?
You look into my eyes, the image of you shines in them
I am a mirror without edges
I am but a reflection of your fears

Find me, wound me, defend me
When you chase me, when you leave me
Lift me up, let me go, love me
Who chases you when you fear me?

I am
You are
Your truth only she knows

I am
You are
Your truth only she knows

I am
You are
Your truth only she knowѕ

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