Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
Eurovision 2023 Western EuropeEurovision 2023 Western Europe

The more song review blogs I do, the less songs I have left to review. Normally there would be a bigger blog for the songs of Western Europe, but I’ve already reviewed many songs from the Western European nations or have them in upcoming blogs. That explains why there’s only four reviews for this blog. So without further ado, here are my reviews of four Western European entries:

Performer: Gustaph
Song: “Because Of You”

These last few years, Belgium has had their set of catchy entries or entries that don’t really catch on that well. For me, I like the sound of it and the soulful feel of it. This is one of those songs you don’t expect to be infectious, but I found it to be infectious.

ESC Chances: I’m sure every Eurofan has at least one song each year that’s very low in odds, but they can’t help but like. This is mine. It’s not fair to say it won’t qualify. Belgium’s previous two entries had low expectations, but they qualified for the Grand Final. Plus this song will be in the less-competitive SemiFinal 2. This is a song I give 50/50 chances to qualify. It can do it, as long as everything’s done right.

Listen to Gustaph’s Eurovision 2023 song:

Eurovision 2023 Belgium: Gustaph – “Because of You”

Performer: Wild Youth
Song: “We Are One”

Ireland is one nation that has one of the best Eurovision records, but you wouldn’t know it the way things have been going this century. Their last Top 10.finish was in 2011. Their last Grand Final qualification was 2018. This year’s song is hard to describe. It can be seen as either energetic or as boring, depending what your tastes are. I like the positive message the song has along with the energy of the music.

ESC Chances: As I mentioned earlier, the thing about songs like these is they risk being dismissed as boring. A lot of people find this song appealing, but it’s in SemiFinal 1 which is the toughest of the two semis. That can really hurt its chances of qualifying. If Brooke didn’t make it last year, I can’t see this making it this year.

Listen to Wild Youth’s Eurovision 2023 song:

Eurovision 2023 Ireland: Wild Youth – “We Are One”

Performer: Mia Nicolai and Dion Cooper
Song: “Burning Daylight”

These past ten years have shown a comeback from the Netherlands. After first appearing as a nation that didn’t know how to work the semifinal method when it came on, it has really do an incredible job with six Top 12 finishes in the past ten years including a winner! This is a unique song as this is a duet that is quite deep. I haven’t been able to catch onto this song. Possibly because I’ve heard bigger male/female duets at Eurovision before.

ESC Chances: Netherlands has not missed a Grand Final since 2016. Netherlands entries will go far as long as they stand out. This song will be in SemiFinal 1 and I can not see a song like this going far in a SemiFinal as jam-packed as the first. Unless they have a spectacular stage show that fits the song well, I don’t think it will happen.

Listen to Mia and Dion’s Eurovision 2023 song:

Eurovision 2023 Netherlands: Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper – “Burning Daylight”
Performer: Remo Forrer
Song: “Watergun”

For a long time, it appeared Switzerland lost its Eurovision edge. Then Luca Haenni got Switzerland back near the top followed by Gjon’s Tears. Last year’s entry Marius Bear also made it to the Grand Final. For the third straight Contest, Switzerland has a ballad. This is a song with a darker meaning as it focuses on the violent nature of men fostered at a young age. I found the song mixed a haunting message with haunting music very well.

ESC Chances: This song is another song in the tight SemiFinal 1, but this song is actually looking good in its odds. We shouldn’t forget songs with haunting sounds and deep lyrics did very well last year. I think this is one song that can go far with its sound and its mood.

Listen to Remo’s Eurovision 2023 song:

Eurovision 2023 Switzerland: Remo Forrer – “Watergun”

And there you go. Those are my reviews of four songs from Western European nations. Have you got your Top 10 ready? Eurovision is coming sooner than you expect!

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