Thu. Mar 13th, 2025
Eurovision 2024 Host CityWhich city will host Eurovision 2024?

Göteborgs-Posten revealed today that the race for Eurovision 2024 host city is decided during the first week of July!

Right now, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Örnsköldsvik are sprinting towards the decisive finish line. The winner gets to organize the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.

The announcement should come from SVT and EBU during the next week.

We have a good feeling and believe in our plan, which is based on the whole city being an arena, even if the broadcast itself is made from Scandinavium, which is right in the middle of town. We prioritize sustainability and inclusion and want to work together with local forces in the suburbs as well as with West pride,

says Magnus Hallberg vice president & event manager at Göteborg & Co.

City must be able to guarantee hotel rooms

During Friday, the last supplementary information is sent to SVT. It is mainly about being able to guarantee the availability of hotel rooms and the cost of them.

We think Gothenburg has good chances, it’s Gothenburg’s turn now. It is important to spread the hosting between different cities, 

said Daniel Bernmar (V) to SVT the other week and emphasized that there is broad political support for bringing the event to town.

In the past, however, the chairman of the municipal board, Social Democrat Jonas Attenius, has been more skeptical.

I think Eurovision is great fun and understand that it would mean a lot to the city to host the competition, but the municipality of Gothenburg will not pay 100 or maybe 200 million kroner. It is completely out of the question when we are fighting to save our nurses and keep the teachers in our schools.

What’s going on in other cities

In Stockholm, they want to build a new temporary Eurovision arena in Frihamnen, which caused the Moderates’ opposition councilor Dennis Wedin to rage.

It is unacceptable that Stockholm’s taxpayers should be stuck with building a new arena linked to this when we have so many other core municipal activities that need money right now in a tough financial situation. It sounds very tone-deaf, he has told Aftonbladet .

In Malmö, the city’s ability to hold the event at a relatively low cost is highlighted. In Örnsköldsvik, they offer Hägglund’s arena and want to place a large cruise ship in the harbor to solve the accommodation issue.

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