Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
Costee UMK 2025Photo: Yle / Nelli Kenttä

The third song for Yle’s 2025 Contest for New Music UMK have been released. Listen to costee’s song  “Sekaisin

Costee, whose real name is Jussi Tiainen, grew up in the Turku region and started his music hobby at the age of 8. He got a drum set as a gift from his father, but soon changed his instrument to a guitar as the desire to compose his own music grew. Now, seven years into his solo career, he has over 100 million streams, three hit albums and a large number of sold-out gigs behind him. He has become known as a pioneer in alternative pop.

Costee’s solo career escalated quickly and the pace has been fast. In 2017, he signed a recording contract with Etenee Records, and in March 2018, he released his first single Pakoon pahaa oloo. In 2019, he was chosen as one of YleX’s breakthrough artists, and his debut album Ehkä joskus tääl viel naurattaa was released in May. The following year, costee was nominated as the newcomer of the year and the audience’s favourite at the Emma Gala (Finnish Grammy Awards). He released his second album Kaikki loppuuaina in the same year. In 2022, costee released his third album Kaikki vampyyrit ei juoverta and founded his own record company, Tuhma Music. This allows him to share his expertise with new artists.

Costee strives to be as honest as possible in his art. As a performer, costee is full of energy and captivates the audience with his mystery. His performances often involve an element of darkness.

“I want to be a mysterious performer in my own way. I want some of that darkness on the stage, but I also like strong lights that create contrast,” says costee. 

Costee and his fans have a particularly close relationship and community. Many fans have had tattoos of the titles, lyrics and illustrations of his songs.

Costee is aiming to win UMK first and then the Eurovision Song Contest. As soon as the UMK song Sekaisin was completed, costee realized that it had to become a UMK and Eurovision song.  

UMK expert jury: “Costee is a modern star in the traditional Finnish pop/rock vocal music scene. The UMK song Sekaisin is full of darkness and melancholy, but also love and hope, a combination that Finns have always loved. The song is more pop than costee’s earlier songs, but the artist’s distinctive sound and style as well as great lyrics are strongly present. Costee has a passionate fan base, and this song and UMK are sure to bring a lot of new fans to the artist who has the charisma of a pop star.”

The songs competing in UMK 2025 to represent Finland will be revealed in this order:

  • Thu, 9 January NEEA RIVER– “Nightmares
  • Fri, 10 January Nelli Matula – “Hitaammin Hautaan”
  • Mon, 13 January costee – “Sekaisin
  • Tue, 14 January VIIVI – “Aina
  • Wed, 15 January One Morning Left – “Puppy
  • Thu, 16 January Goldielocks –  “Made Of
  • Fri, 17 January Erika Vikman – “ICH KOMME

The UMK grand final will take place on Saturday, 10 February, 20:00 CET and will be broadcast on Yle TV1, Yle Areena and Yle radio channels.

LYRICS “Sekaisin” by costee


Pientä vapinaa
Koitan avaa ovia mut mikään ei oo sopiva
Paljon sanoja
Lupaan olla parempi mut sanoist ei tuu tekoja
Sä koitit varottaa
Sul on selkee visio ja tulevaisuus kohillaan
Mua se pelottaa
En tiiä huomisesta ku mä elän päivä kerrallaan

Tuun ja meen
En löydä paikkaa
Sä kuuntelet
Ku apuu kaipaan
Oot aina ollu siin
Ku maailman tuntuu musertavan mä pidän susta kii

Oon sekaisin
Valojen loisteessa
Musiikin soidessa
Monista aineista
Mut eniten oon sekaisin susta
Oon sekaisin
Mitä musta tulee isona
Ihan kaikesta
Mut eniten oon sekaisin susta

Nuorta kapinaa
Pitäs olla aikuinen mut käyttäydyn ku kakara
Sul samat ongelmat
Et haluu päätyy ikin samaan jamaan ku sun vanhemmat

Tuut ja meet
Et löydä paikkaa
Mä kuuntelen
Ku apuu kaipaat
Monii tarinoit
Erilaisii ihmisii mut samanlaisii apinoit

Oon sekaisin
Valojen loisteessa
Musiikin soidessa
Monista aineista
Mut eniten oon sekaisin susta
Oon sekaisin
Mitä musta tulee isona
Ihan kaikesta
Mut eniten oon sekaisin susta

Sekaisin susta

Oon sekaisin
Valojen loisteessa
Musiikin soidessa
Monista aineista
Mut eniten oon sekaisin susta
Oon sekaisin
Mitä musta tulee isona
Ihan kaikesta
Mut eniten oon sekaisin suѕtа


A slight tremble,
I try to open doors, but none seem to fit.
So many words,
I promise to be better, but words don’t turn into actions.
You tried to warn me,
You’ve got a clear vision and your future is in place.
That scares me,
I don’t know about tomorrow; I live one day at a time.

I come and go,
I can’t find my place.
You listen,
When I cry out for help.
You’ve always been there,
When the world feels crushing, I hold onto you.

I’m confused,
Under the glow of the lights,
As the music plays,
By so many substances,
But mostly, I’m confused by you.
I’m confused,
About the future,
About who I’ll become when I grow up,
About everything,
But mostly, I’m confused by you.

Youthful rebellion,
I should be an adult, but I act like a child.
You’ve got the same problems,
You don’t ever want to end up like your parents.

You come and go,
You can’t find your place.
I listen,
When you cry out for help.
So many stories,
So many different people, but the same kind of fools.

I’m confused,
Under the glow of the lights,
As the music plays,
By so many substances,
But mostly, I’m confused by you.
I’m confused,
About the future,
About who I’ll become when I grow up,
About everything,
But mostly, I’m confused by you.

Confused by you.

I’m confused,
Under the glow of the lights,
As the music plays,
By so many substances,
But mostly, I’m confused by you.
I’m confused,
About the future,
About who I’ll become when I grow up,
About everything,
But mostly, I’m confused by you.

ArtistJussi Tiainen
Title (English)Messed Up
SongwritersJussi Tiainen, Teemu Javanainen, Tomi Tamminen

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