Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024
Italy Junior Eurovision 2024Simone Grande | Photo: RAI


Song: Pigiama Party

Performer: Simone Grande

For Italy’s tenth-ever entry in Junior Eurovision, RAI went with 12 year-old Simone Grande from Rozzano. He won Italy’s version of The Voice Kids in December 2023 and even performed for Pope Francis back in May of this year. It’s interesting how while Junior Eurovision often has a lot of songs focusing on a child’s future, the environment and a world without war, here we have a song about a party with other kids. Nothing wrong about it. Some of my favorite Junior Eurovision songs are songs that celebrate being young. That’s the point of the song. All come to his party where they can all be young and have fun. At his pajama party, everyone’s a friend and no one’s an enemy. Like Simone frequently sings, love is the answer. The song has a nice funky beat and Grande does a good job of singing. He just relies on the smoothness of his voice instead of resorting to vocal gymnastics. Quite a likeable song.

NOTE: Some of you may be nervous about listening to the song because of its title. Some may think a song of a 12 year-old boy holding a pajama party could be suggestive. If you look over the lyrics, you’ll see Simone’s party is about getting his young friends to come over, befriend each other and have some exciting innocent fun. Nothing raunchy or suggestive intended. Besides I don’t think JESC would welcome any raunchy songs to the Contest. Save the raunch for ESC!

JESC Chances: Italy had a good run in the 2010’s with a win, a third place and two more Top 10 finishes. Here in the 2020’s, their best has been tenth. The song does have a lot of likeable qualities but in a competition like Junior Eurovision, it doesn’t stand out as much as some other entries. I can see it placing in the Top 10 but staging will either make its success or break it. Also Simone has the added difficulty of having to perform first-up. Last year, Spain’s Sandra Valero became the first-ever first-up contestant at JESC to get a Top 3 finish. Being first-up however will not help a song like Pigiama Party. I feel it would have been better if they were somewhere else in the first half.

Listen to Simone’s JESC 2024 song “Pigiama Party”

LYRICS “Pigiama Party” Simone Grande

Italian & English

Pigiama Party

A casa mia si accendono le stelle
Vieni con chi vuoi al mio pigiama party
Manda quest’invito a tutti i tuoi amici
Scrivi in grande il tema “l’amore è”

La notte italiana bella da morire
Le mani verso la luna fino all’arrivo del sole
It’s the best party ever, we can live it together
You can jump or you can dance, love will last forever

Balliamo nella stanza che questa notte è festa
Salta sul letto e canta: “love is the answer”
Stanotte siamo in tanti al mio pigiama party
So come and sing it loud “love is the answer”

Se oggi sei un po’ giù o se ti senti sola
Ti vogliamo qui al mio pigiama party
Qui l’unica guerra è fatta coi cuscini
Canta che ti passa non c’è niente di meglio di

La notte italiana bella da morire
Le mani verso la luna fino all’arrivo del sole
It’s the best party ever, we can live it together
You can jump or you can dance, love will last forever

Balliamo nella stanza che questa notte è festa
Salta sul letto e canta: “love is the answer”
Stanotte siamo in tanti al mio pigiama party
So come and sing it loud “love is the answer”

Io vorrei sentirlo in coro come quando c’è l’inno allo stadio
Tutti abbracciati ma stanotte noi siamo i campioni
E cantiamo a squarciagola, tante voci in una sola
Urlаlo più forte che si può
Love is forever – forever

Love iѕ forever


Pyjama Party

The stars light up in my house
Come with whoever you want to my pyjama party
Send this invitation to all your friends
Write the theme in big letters: “Love is”

The Italian night, beautiful to die for
Hands up to the moon until the sun rises
It’s the best party ever, we can live it together
You can jump or you can dance, love will last forever

We dance in the room because tonight it’s a party
Jump on the bed and sing: “Love is the answer”
Tonight, there are many of us at my pyjama party
So come and sing it loud: “Love is the answer”

If today you’re feeling a bit down or if you’re feeling lonely
We want you here at my pyjama party
Here, the only war is fought with pillows
Sing and you’ll feel better, there’s nothing better than

The Italian night, beautiful to die for
Hands up to the moon until the sun rises
It’s the best party ever, we can live it together
You can jump or you can dance, love will last forever

We dance in the room because tonight it’s a party
Jump on the bed and sing: “Love is the answer”
Tonight, there are many of us at my pyjama party
So come and sing it loud: “Love is the answer”

I want to hear it in chorus like when there’s the anthem at the stadium
All hugging, but tonight we are the champions
And we sing at the top of our lungs, many voices as one
Shout it as loud as you cаn
Love is forever – forever

Love iѕ forever

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