Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Stay TunedPhoto: AVROTROS

Song: “Music”
Performer: Stay Tuned

Sometimes you wonder in the Netherlands do they see the Junior Song Festival as the trials for Junior Eurovision? Or do they see the Song Festival as THE big event? Anyways, a lot of kids auditioned, many made the cutoff and ten made it as finalists. The final consisted of two solo singers and two vocal groups of four. In the end, it was the group of Stay Tuned that won for their song “Music.” The foursome of Stay Tuned consists of three girls—Inkar, Chiara, and Miucha—and one boy, Niek.

The song actually mixes a lot of styles and tempos. It’s upbeat throughout most of the song, but it begins and ends on a soft tempo. It also goes into rap and goes semi-classical in the second verse.  The song itself has a lot of catchy elements and a lot of energy that can appeal to the young. The following from the Junior Songfestival and Tina magazine should boost its popularity.

JESC Chances:

I’ve noticed that in the past for The Netherlands to get into the Top 3, they have to do something that’s both excellent and really has that edge. “Click Clack” and “Teenager” have just those winning factors. In all frankness, I’ve seen better and catchier Junior Eurovision entries from the Netherlands. It is catchy, but I’ve heard catchier. In addition, I saw the performance at the Song Festival and it still looked rather underrehearsed and Niek sounded out of breath at the end. I think they should all be able to get it more together over time. 

Listen to Stay Tuned’s Junior Eurovision 2024 song “Music”

LYRICS “Music” Stay Tuned

Dutch & English


All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Zing het wereldwijd

Niemand kon mij horen, ik zong stiekem in mezelf
Maar nu stap ik naar voren zonder angst, ik voel me
Beter zelfverzekerd, ik zit lekker in m’n vel
Ik voelde me verloren, but the music got me
Screaming from the rooftop, kom op, shout it out
Everybody sing it out loud

All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Zing het wereldwijd
In harmony, together we unite
Oh oh ohh…
Till the end of time
We gaan voorbij de sterren, our lights will shine forever
Screaming from the rooftop, shout it out
All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Till the end of time

Maar wat als het stil wordt? A world without sound
Niemand meer luistert naar elkaars verhaal
Laat dan de lichten niet doven
Kom, zing je mee?
And let’s sing together in harmony
En vaar met ons mee op de symfonie
De taal van muziek, die verstaat toch iedereen?

All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Zing het wereldwijd
In harmony, together we unite
Oh oh ohh…
Till the end of time
We gaan voorbij de sterren, our lights will shine forever
Screаming from the rooftop, shout it out
All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Till the end of time

The music got me like
Ohh, sing
Like ohh.., sing
Like ohh, sing
Like ohh, sing

All we need is music in our liveѕ
Oh oh ohh…
Zing het wereldwijd



All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Sing it worldwide

No one could hear me, I was singing secretly to myself
But now I step forward without fear, I feel
Better, confident, I’m feeling good about myself
I felt lost but the music got me
Screaming from the rooftop, come on, shout it out
Everybody sing it out loud

All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Sing it worldwide
In harmony, together we unite
Oh oh ohh…
Together until the end
We’ll go beyond the stars, our light shining forever
Screaming from the rooftop, shout it out
All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Till the end of time

But what if it gets silent? A world without sound
No one listens to each other’s stories anymore
So don’t turn down the lights
Come sing along?
Let’s sing in harmony
And join us in the symphony
Everyone understands the language of music

All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Sing it worldwide
In harmony, together we unite
Oh oh ohh…
Together until the end
We’re going beyond the stars, our lights will shine forever
Screаming from the rooftop, shout it out
All we need is music in our lives
Oh oh ohh…
Till the end of time

The music got me like
Ohh, sing
Like ohh.., sing
Like ohh, sing
Like ohh, sing

All we need is music in our liveѕ
Oh oh ohh…
Sing it worldwide

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