Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Maja Krzyżewska Poland Junior Eurovision 2023Maja Krzyżewska Poland Junior Eurovision 2023


Song: “I Just Need A Friend”

Performer: Maya Krzyzewska

Poland, one of the hottest nations at Junior Eurovision right now, is back. This year, the singer they’re sending is Maya Krzyzewska. The song is the first ballad Poland has submitted in five years, taking a break from the danceable high energy songs they’ve submitted in recent years. Overall the song has a good message about having a friend in difficult times. The video also sends that message well, whether the friend is a person or even a dog. I will admit that it does lack some things I’ve seen in better Polish JESC entries in the past. It’s a nice song, but not really the attention-grabber we come to expect from Poland.

JESC Chances: I know there are more ballads than upbeat songs this Contest. Despite ballads not doing so hot in online voting, they still have Top 3 chances. I can’t really see this song making the Top 3. I know Polish voters will come out in droves to support their entries, but as long as it’s one they will believe in. This song doesn’t sound like that type of song that will get Polish voters out in full force. It’s a nice song, but nice doesn’t really cut it at Junior Eurovision. Even when a song comes across as sweet or angelic, Junior Eurovision viewers don’t normally go for it. I feel this song could be misinterpreted as one of those things. I will say that excellent staging will boost its chances.

“I Just Need A Friend” Maja Krzyżewska

Lyrics “I Just Need A Friend” Maja Krzyżewska


I just need a friend
uuu uuu u

My place on earth
I never had one
they told me
That I would find my way
Small town girl
In an endless world
All alone

Czy wysłuchasz mnie poukładasz
Każdy mój dzień
Właśnie ktoś jak ty
Będzie obok
Będzie obok

I just need a friend
uuuu uuuu
Tell me there’s someone who
Would fly me to the moon
uuuu uuuu
And never let me go
We are beautiful like butterflies
Even if we break our wings
Tak dobrze, że cię mam
razem łatwiej iść pod wiatr

Dziś to co mam
To nadzieje
Że każdy z nas
Gdzieś znajdzie dom
Za dużo łez,
W wielkim świecie
Pośrodku my

Czy wysłuchasz mnie poukładasz
Każdy mój dzień
Właśnie ktoś jak ty
Będzie obok
Będzie obok

Tak Dobrze, że cię mam
uuuu uuuu
Razem łatwiej iść pod wiatr
uuuu uuuu
Dokładnie tak jak ja
Masz niespokojne sny
Czy będziesz tu gdy zgubię się
I poszukasz ze mną gwiazd
Tak dobrze, że cię mam
budujemy nowy świat

If we find each other
I would be your someone too
Choć tak wiele nas różni to
jednak więcej łączy dziś

I just need a friend
Tak dobrze, że cię mam
We are beautiful like butterflies
Even if we break our wings
I just need a friend
uuuu uuuu
Are you the one for me


I just need a friend
Uuu uuu u

We place on earth
I never had one
they told me
That I would find my way
Small town girl
In an endless world
All alone

Will you listen to me
Put together
Every day of mine
Just someone like you
Will be by my side
Will be by my side

I just need a friend
Tell me there’s someone who
Would fly me to the moon
And never let me go
We are beautiful like butterflies
Even if we brake our wings
It’s so good to have you
Together it’s easier to go against the wind

Today hope
Is what I have
That each of us
It will find somewhere a home
Too many tears
In the big world
And us in the middle

Will you listen to me
Put together
Every day of mine
Just someone like you
Will be by my side
Will be by my side

It’s so good to have you
Together it’s easier to go against the wind
Just like me
You have restless dreams
Will you be here when I get lost
And will you look for the stars with me
It’s so good to have you
we are building a new world

If we find each other
I would be your someone too
Even though we have so many differences
We have more in common today

I just need a friend
It’s so good to have you
We are beautiful like butterflies
Even if we break our wings
I just need a friend
Are you the one for me

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