Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
JESC 2024 MaltaPhoto: Visuals of Kyle

Before I start my latest review, did you all see the running order? Can you believe with the Contest more that a month away, they’ve already decided the whole running order? Usually they don’t decided even the first, last and host-nation position until days before the Contest. Even that, don’t they save that for the Junior Eurovision Turquoise Carpet? I don’t know why they did it so early but this is the earliest I’ve ever seen a running order decided for either ESC or JESC.
Despite the running order being decided so early, my latest review is for the song that will be last-up during Junior Eurovision 2024:

Song: Stilla Ċkejkna
Performer: Ramires Sciberras

This year, Malta’s selection for Junior Eurovision was held through the MJESC Music Exchange Camp to locate young talents. The final was fourteen songs between fourteen acts. The winner was decided on 21 September: Malta’s Independence Day and the winner was Cambodian-born Ramires Sciberras
This is the first Junior Eurovision song completely in Maltese. Three previous entries had some Maltese lyrics but never before completely in Maltese. The song is about finding the inner strength knowing that the one closest to them is always with them. It’s unclear if the song is meant to be about Ramires’ adoption story. The images in the ending chorus of the video makes it look that way. The song, whose title means “Little Star,” is a ballad that stars softly but grows in intensity. Ramires’ voice carries the song very well. A blend of power and innocence. 

JESC Chances:

Ballads are a risk at Junior Eurovision. They’ve won many times before but the last time a ballad won was in 2018. In addition, do you remember how there were so many ballads last year? The highest of which finished sixth. It’s not to say Ramires can’t do it. He has a good song and it’s worth liking, but this is another song that risks being dismissed as too angelic. Also with him being last in the running order, that could make it harder for his song to get a good placing. The revamp of the song in the video is a move in the right direction. We’ll have to see what staging offers.

Listen to the Maltese Junior Eurovision 2024 song

Ramires Sciberras – Stilla Ċkejkna | 🇲🇹 Malta | Official Music Video 

LYRICS “Stilla ċkejkna”


Stilla ċkejkna

Bħal stilla ċkejkna, fil-kobor, fid-dlam mitluf
Ma nafx x’ser jiġri, kif se nħossni, fejn ser immur

Sakemm dawl ċkejken mix-xemx ġie jdur madwar, jinsab hawn qrib
Għax stilla ċkejkna, b’dawl jiddi, sibtuni

Bi tbissima waħda fhimt xi tfisser li tkun tħobb
F’ħajja ġdida bikom ħdejja sibt min jien

Intir ‘il fuq fejn nista’ noħlom
Qalb dad-dwal għalikom inkanta dal-kliem
Jekk beżgħan, għax bla tifsira
B’ħarsa waħda mtlejt b’kuraġġ dejjiem

Fejn inkun, tinsabu ħdejja
Ngħożżkom miegħi tul dan il-vjaġġ sabiħ
Mhux beżgħan għax minn hawn id-dawl
F’għajnejkom jiddi qisu ix-xemx

Bħal stilla ċkejkna li qed tikber, kemxejn mitluf
Id-dawl li jmexxini, jurini, sibtu lili

Bi tbissima waħda fhimt xi tfisser li tkun tħobb
F’ħajja ġdida bikom ħdejja sibt min jien

Intir ‘il fuq fejn nista’ noħlom
Qalb dad-dwal għalikom inkanta dal-kliem
Jekk beżgħan, għax bla tifsira
B’ħarsa waħda mtlejt b’kuraġġ dejjiem

Fejn inkun, tinsabu ħdejja
Ngħożżkom miegħi tul dan il-vjaġġ sabiħ
Mhux beżgħan għax minn hawn id-dawl
F’għajnejkom jiddi qiѕu ix-xemx

Għajnejkom qed jiddu bħax-xemx
Għajnejkom qed jiddu bħаx-xemx


Little star

Like a little star, in immensity, lost in darkness
Uncertain about my imminency, my feelings, my immediate destination

Till a dim light emitted from the sun shrouded me, near me
Because I’m a little star, with dazzling light, you found me

With one smile I perceived the significance of love
This new life with you by my side, I discovered myself

I fly high where I can dream
Surrounded with this light I sing these lyrics for you
If scared, because of meaninglessness
A look inspired me with everlasting courage

Wherever I am, you are by my side
Embracing you throughout this wondrous journey
Not scared because the dazzling light
In your eyes radiates like the sun

Like a little star that is growing, somewhat somehow lost
The light leads me, guides me, you found me

With one smile I perceived the significance of love
This new life with you by my side, I discovered myself

I fly high where I can dream
Surrounded with this light I sing these lyrics for you
If scared, because of meaninglessness
A look inspired me with everlasting courage

Wherever I am, you are by my side
Embracing you throughout this wondrous journey
Not scared because the dazzling light
In your eyes radiаtes like the sun

Your eyes glisten like the sun
Your eyes glisten like the ѕun

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